Want to extend your Android experience to PC without installing another OS? Why don't you try using an emulator? Check Best Android Emulators for PC & Mac. Finding the best iOS emulator for Windows and Mac computers might not be straight-forward, as iOS is a closed source platform unlike Android.
Мечта воочию поглазеть на iPhone, iPad или iPod до сих пор не осуществилась? Операционная система iOS до сих пор остается загадкой, покрытой засовами тайн? App Store выглядит диковинной штучкой из далекого будущего? Пожалуй, лучшего момента познакомиться с эмуляторами iOS на ПК не найти!
Что такое эмулятор iOS
Эмулятор iOS – сложный программный комплекс, позволяющий скопировать и перенести функционал одной операционной системы и запустить на другой ОС с сохранением доступных возможностей и действий.
Так, к примеру, легко пощупать оболочку iPhone или iPad, используя компьютер (ПК) с операционной системой Windows (7-10). И хотя в голове уже вырисовываются образы готовящихся к запуску мобильных эксклюзивов, торопиться точно не стоит. Эмуляция iOS (а точнее текущее состояние эмуляторов) далеко от истины – в основном потенциальной аудитории доступна возможность взаимодействовать с некоторым программным обеспечением Apple, магазином App Store и специальной средой разработки для тестирования различных приложений и сервисов.
А потому те, кто рассчитывают плотно заняться мобильными развлечениями, могут смело двигаться в направлении эмуляторов под Android – там настоящее раздолье…
Подойдут ли эмуляторы для игр?
Среди впечатляющего количества доступных эмуляторов ОС iOS выделить хотя бы пять качественно работающих систем весьма проблематично. И главная тому причина – сильная закрытость операционки от Apple. Создатели эмуляторов едва ли способны перенести на компьютерные (ПК) платформы хотя бы часть функционала iOS (да, прекрасно заработают некоторые меню, откроется рабочий стол, появится возможность посмотреть, как устроено в настройках, а начинающим разработчикам еще и протестировать новенькое, и еще не отполированное программное обеспечение).
А уж о запуске каких-нибудь игровых эксклюзивов (которых за последние годы накопилось много) не может быть и речи. Некоторые эксклюзивы позволяют запускать какой-нибудь Cut The Rope, да Angry Birds. Но к чему такие трудности, когда перечисленные игры давно доступны на эмуляторах Android?
Возможно, в скором будущем ситуация изменится к лучшему, но на данном этапе ни iPadian 2, ни Air iPhone Emulator не способны запустить и 1% от всего контента, доступного в App Store.
Список лучших эмуляторов
Если запуск развлекательного контента через эмуляторы на ПК далеко не главная цель, и доступ к iOS нужен скорее, как разработчику, то обратить внимание стоит на следующие проекты:
iPadian 2
Быстроразвивающийся сервис, максимально точно копирующий и интерфейс яблочной операционной системы, и работу доступных и предустановленных приложений (плавность, знакомые анимации и переходы, а заодно и новшества iOS 10 и 11 – тоже на месте). Проект одновременно позволяет и протестировать уже разработанный функционал на ПК готовящихся к запуску приложений, так и опробовать небольшой развлекательный контент, доступный сразу после загрузки эмулятора онлайн.
Сильно надеяться на обширную библиотеку приложений и игр не стоит – из App Store (кстати, загрузка происходит по правилам – нужен и реально существующий Apple ID, и правильно выбранный регион) разрешают загрузить некоторые приложения, также прошедшие оптимизацию (как и вся операционная система) под Windows. В целом, получится запустить некоторые экономические стратегии, известные мессенджеры, парочку социальных сетей и несколько системных инструментов, вроде почты от Google.
- К плюсам ПК эмулятора можно отнести неплохую оптимизацию (даже на слабеньких ПК заработает так, как нужно), полный перевод на русский язык, грамотно оформленный интерфейс и постоянно пополняемую библиотеку доступных приложений (изменения вносятся чуть ли не каждый месяц, разработчики трудятся не покладая рук!);
- Из минусов – загрузка приложений происходит через App Store, а потому за некоторый контент придется заплатить. В бесплатной версии ПК эмулятора слишком много рекламы и всплывающих уведомлений, отвлекающих от процесса. Ошибок, связанных с запуском приложений тоже предостаточно – иногда не работают сохранения, порой пропадает звук, случаются вылеты из-за полной загрузки оперативной памяти.
AIR iPhone Emulator
Неплохой, но слишком уж ограниченный в возможностях ПК эмулятор, сосредоточенный не на использовании развлекательного контента из App Store, а на знакомстве с интерфейсом iOS. Разработчики предлагают тестировать связь в мессенджерах и голосовых вызовах Face Time, изучать доступную книгу контактов в iCloud, знакомиться с Apple Music и тестировать доступные кнопки, жесты, меню и переходы. Опять, же, доступ к эксклюзивному контенту – каким-нибудь трехмерным ролевым эпопеям вроде Infinity Blade можно и не рассчитывать.
Еще к минусам эмулятора можно отнести наполовину переведенный язык интерфейса, не слишком удачную ПК оптимизацию и отсутствие поддержки последних версий iOS. Кроме того, складывается ощущение, что разработчики перестали поддерживать проект и сосредоточились на совершенно других делах и изредка создают видимость активности, выкладывая новости на сайте.
Xamarin Testflight
Среда разработки, построенная на базе Microsoft Visual Studio и предлагающая возможность писать приложения на языке Swift, а заодно – в режиме реального времени тестировать работу написанного кода. К плюсам эмулятора можно отнести две вещи – оптимизацию (даже при максимальной нагрузке тратится не больше нескольких гигабайт оперативной памяти) и возможность тестировать встроенные в iOS сервисы, жесты и меню. Не проблема, к примеру, заглянуть в App Store и пройти авторизацию, попробовать функционал Apple Pay, вызвать парочку уведомлений и изучить панель с настройками.
Ну, а главный минус – платный доступ к основным возможностям.
Расположенный в браузере эмулятор мобильной операционной системы от Apple, снова сосредоточенный исключительно на знакомстве с интерфейсом, жестами и встроенным программным обеспечением. В основном сервис предназначен для загрузки разрабатываемого контента и быстрого, но наглядного тестирования, с возможностью выбора версии iOS.
И хотя функционал доступен бесплатно, минусов у эмулятора намного больше, чем плюсов. Во-первых, нельзя использовать App Store и загружать приложения. Во-вторых, не доступен перевод на русский язык (впрочем, у тестеров и разработчиков вряд ли возникнут проблемы с английским). Ну, а в-третьих, из-за доступа к возможностям в браузере, нельзя сохранять выполненные действия и снова посмотреть на уже полученные результаты – каждый раз прогресс сбрасывается.
И хотя количество эмуляторов iOS растет с каждым годом, полноценно работающих сервисов не так уж и много – список инструментов, позволяющих запустить хотя бы несколько приложений из громадной библиотеки App Store, можно пересчитать по пальцам одной руки. Если появилась цель познакомиться с мобильным геймингом, то лучше сразу обратить внимание на эмуляторы Android – там запускаются все ныне доступные шедевры. Если же нужно тестировать программное обеспечение под работу на iOS, а доступа к продукции Apple с операционной системой MacOS не нашлось, то лучший вариант – iPadian 2, тут хотя бы App Store работает так, как должен!
iPadian - программа, которую в интернете принято считать эмулятором iPad. По факту она таковым не являются. Сами разработчики позиционируют iPadian как симулятор планшета от Apple, который вовсе не эмулирует работу iOS, а лишь помогает ознакомиться с внешним видом и основной концепцией графической оболочки данной операционной системы. Она предназначена в первую очередь для тех, кто собирается перейти на использование 'яблочных' устройств и хочет понять, как устроена операционная система, которая на них установлена.
Получить доступ к AppStore и установить какие-либо настоящие iOS-приложения (в том числе из IPA-файлов) на iPadian у вас не получится. Конечно, после установки самой программы вы обнаружите на ее рабочем столе ярлыки нескольких программ. Но по факту это обычные 'муляжи', имитирующие интерфейс, но, чаще всего, не выполняющие каких-либо полезных функций. Зато можно поиграть в Angry Birds и некоторые другие 'предустановленные' игры. Но с таким же успехом можно поиграть в их флеш-версии используя обычный браузер.
Программа запускается исключительно в полноэкранном режиме. Работает она абсолютно на любых версиях Windows и делает это очень шустро. Что не странно, ведь по сути iPadian - это просто браузер в котором можно запускать флеш-приложения. В этой связи довольно забавным является тот факт, что внутри него установлен еще один браузер, внешний вид которого стилизован под мобильную версию Safari. Еще здесь есть вполне рабочий калькулятор, простенький графический редактор (может работать с изображениями, хранящимися на диске ПК), блокнот с заметками, клиент YouTube и еще ряд 'приложений' сомнительной полезности. В общем, можете скачать и попробовать iPadian самостоятельно, тем более что она является совершенно бесплатной.
Have you ever yearned for trying out iPhone apps? Are you running short of money to buy an iPhone? Then putting your hands on the iPhone emulators is the ultimate choice you are left with. Now you might be wondering what an emulator is, right? Today in this post, we will discuss the best iOS emulators and simulators for Windows system. But before coming to that let us discuss what exactly an emulator is.
An emulator for iOS is a kind of electronic program that enables one computer to act like a different system called the ‘guest’ and can run the software and apps of the guest system in it. Emulators are specifically designed for developers for testing apps and other programs. In other words, they are the virtual machines that support the operation of applications that belong to a different operating system and run them seamlessly. Emulators can run applications from a specific OS or multiple OS also like iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, etc.
iPhone apps to computer
What is iOS emulator?
It enables the Windows system to run any iPhone/ iPad apps and games in it. You can run them from your Windows computer or laptop and access them flawlessly as you run them on your Apple devices. With emulators and simulators, you can test run your apps while developing them and debug them.
Use of iOS simulator
Besides accessing the iOS apps and games, an iOS emulator benefits you from a number of features:
- Test builds iOS apps during the development process
- Run in multiple devices containing the same operating system
- Find the major issues in your app during early testing and design
- Test your app with developer tools which are available only for simulator
- Learn more about the Xcode development experience and iOS development environment before becoming a member of iOS Developer Program
Advantages of using an emulator
An emulator provides you several advantages that a developer needs.
- Besides the several benefits of using an emulator, there are a number of advantages it bears.
- Emulators are free to use and provided with the SDK with the release of every new operating system.
- Easy installation; requires no high-tech processor systems.
- Faster programming and simple to use.
Differences between Emulator and Simulator
Although both of them sound the same, still there is a variation between them.
An emulator works as a replacement for the original device. It can run the same software and applications of the original device without modifying them and it can’t even point out the difference in the duplicate system. Emulators are basically used by non-iOS users who want to experience the iPhone/ iPad interface without having the original device.
On the other hand, a simulator can set up the similar environment as the original device’s OS but doesn’t endeavor to replicate its hardware. Due to this reason, some applications might not work in simulators or may run differently. A simulator often runs the code faster and smoother and it launches instantly within seconds.
Compared to the specifications, an emulator is mostly preferred by users and developers to test drive apps due to its user-friendly features and flexibility.
Best iOS emulator for Windows
(1) Smartface
Smartface is an iPhone app emulator and tester that helps develop cross-platform native iOS apps. It is a full-featured enterprise mobility management platform that reduces cost, increases productivity, removes dependency and provides strategic mobility solutions. Smartface provides full debugging options for iOS apps which help the app developer flexibility to work with it and develop apps. The main features of Smartface are:
- Plugins support to extend Smartface apps
- Javascript library
- WYSIWYG Design editor
- Single Javascript codebase
- Testing apps and debugging
- Enterprise plugins and services
(2) Air iPhone Emulator
Air iPhone is an alternate iOS simulator Windows which replicates the iPhone’s Graphical User Interface. To run Air iPhone you’ll need the AIR framework for the application to the program. Although Air iPhone is not a fully functional application, you will find a difference in running apps in it and the real device. It completely reproduces the iPhone but developers might find trouble in testing their apps on it. Reviews do not state too many advantages about the app but still people who want to experience the iPhone can use it smoothly.
Air iPhone
(3) MobiOne Studio
MobiOne Studio is an iPhone simulator for Windows cum emulator for iOS which works for developing cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android systems. Its apps are built on HTML 5 hybrid native app model by means of Cordova/ PhoneGap open source framework. MobiOne can easily build native iOS apps and can be used anywhere and any compatible device. With MobiOne you can build status notifications on the desktop, share app and web app links via email, configure your app to run on iPhone and iPad, app branding with custom icons, view status of your app with the AppCenter Progress view and automatically download the app installation file on your computer on completion of a project. MobiOne Studio can be downloaded and installed easily for free on Windows PC.
(4) iPad Simulator
It is a Google Chrome extension that works as a cloud OS and a simulator in Chrome browser. This extension provides you an iPad interface on your PC and you can use the iMessage app to send messages to your friend using an iPad. On replying, you’ll get notifications within the extension which is one of the best features it carries. If you have a problem buying an iPad due to its high cost then this is the ultimate option. The key features of this Chrome extension are:
- Get Siri without an iPad
- Access everything on the cloud
- Organize your cloud desktop with your preferred iPad apps
- Launch and connect the simulator with web service with a single click
- Create unlimited pages of apps
- Simple and elegant iPad interface
- Drag and drop apps
- Multi-tasking in iPad simulator
- Easily find apps with the search and browse page
- Use screensavers
- HD animated background
It is one of the best emulators for iOS that lets you access to iPhone apps and games on your Windows PC. With Simulator, you can test drive underdeveloped apps to find out the major issues in it. Since purchasing the iPhone leads to a major financial decision you can use this app as a virtual iPhone for your desktop. It contains high-quality graphics and interface which exactly an iPhone clone. The major disadvantage of this simulator is you cannot get access to the Apple App Store and few of the apps cannot be accessed by default. It is a free program which can be easily installed on your computer.
What Is The Best Emulator For Ios
Therefore, what we can see is iOS emulators works the best when you want to experience an iPhone/ iPad/ iPod and its native apps on your PC. An emulator supports all versions of iOS, iPhone and iPad, including iOS 4, iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS 8, iOS 9, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini and iPad Air. This stands as one of the greatest advantages of using an emulator and simulator.
Emulators come free of cost and support all versions of Windows Vista and later. So if you are having issues with purchasing an iPhone or iPad but still you want to put your hands on iOS apps then emulators are the best alternative for your requirements.
emulators for iOS
Do you want to run ios apps on Windows PC or want to know about best ? Then you have landed at right place. If you own an and have Windows 10, 8, 7 PC or a laptop, then life can get a little hard for you.2
Data transfer becomes very difficult as the iOS apps do not work in tandem with the Windows.
This post is for people who face such difficulties, and to know why are so crucial. If you too want to run the iPhone apps on your Windows computers, then this article will help you greatly.
We would be discussing some of the best iOS emulators for PCs and laptops that run on Windows.
With the aid of these, you can enjoy all your favorite iOS applications and games on your Windows 10, 8, 7 PC too.
You can even enjoy all the iOS apps and games even if you do not have an Apple product. What you will need is a device that can emulate the iOS apps on another OS. Once you download iPhone emulator for pc, you are all ready to go.
What is an iOS emulator?
Before we begin to discuss the best products, we need to know what emulators are.
Well, Emulators are virtual programs that create a different OS environment on a various operating system.
iPhone emulator for Windows is similar to these software programs. After installing ios emulator on Windows PC, it creates an ios environment on windows, which can help us to run iOS apps.
These emulators follow the concept of virtualization technology. Such technology is responsible for creating virtual machines. These virtual devices are capable of running iOS applications on Windows computers.
iOS Emulators vs iOS Simulators.
Emulators are virtual programs that are used for creating a different OS environment than native OS of the device. iOS emulators for windows create an iOS environment for running iPhone apps on Windows PC.
While simulators also develop an OS environment, but they do not try to create a copy of hardware as emulators do. Due to this limitation simulators fail to run some apps.
Most of the users prefer iOS emulators over simulators. Most developers use emulators for developing and testing apps.
The advantage of iOS Emulators for Windows?
Emulators were built initially so that the application developers could test apps and programs.
These are capable of running applications on one or many operating systems like iOS, Mac, Windows, and Android.
The best thing about these iPhone app emulators or iPad emulator for PC is that they come free of cost.
We can upgrade them with the help of SDK. The iPhone app emulators are user-friendly as they are incredibly easy to use and install.
20 Best iOS emulators for Windows PC.
The following are some of the best emulators that can help us to run iOS apps on PC. This list has been configured based on a lot of research and user reviews.
1. MobiOne Studio
MobiOne Studio is one of the best apple emulators for PC that allow us to run iOS games and on Windows computer. Officially Mobione is discontinued. Still, you can use it.
It is beneficial for app developers who look to develop cross-platform applications for mobile phones. This software can even enable status notifications similar to iOS. You can enjoy the beta apps using this emulator. I have also shared for the computer.
Compatibility– Windows, iPad, Mac, iPhone
2. App.io
App.io is also one of the for windows in the market. Biggest advantages of this application are that it is basic to use and very easy to navigate. However, app.io is a bit slow ios emulator for PC. It sometimes takes much time up to 30 minutes for uploading the apps.
It comes with 7 days free trial. If you are satisfied using the trial version, then you can upgrade to the premium plan. App.io is developed on the basis of the cloud. All you need to do is sync the ios.appi bundle or the apk file with this, and you are ready to go.
Compatibility– Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari Browser
Ratings– 3.5/5
3. SmartFace
Smartface is a great iPhone emulator for windows. It is widely used to build native cross-platform iOS apps. It is extensively utilized by the app developers to test iOS apps.
You can choose either the paid version or the free version depending on your choice. Smartface paid version starts from $99. If you are looking for an alternative to ipadian, then you can try smartface.
Compatibility– Windows
4. IPadian
IPadian is perhaps the best iPad emulator for windows. It gives you the feel of an iPad on android and windows products.
With the help of this emulator, you can get the fantastic Apple features like Siri, TvOS, iMessages and watch OS. iPadian has an interface similar to iPhone and iPad. You can use it to get iOS apps on PC. However, you cannot expect from it to run every single app.
It also has a UI which is very user-friendly as a result of this more people find it favorable to others. iPadian is freely available; you can get it absolutely at no cost. You can also play games using this ios emulator for PC.
Compatibility– Windows, Mac OS, Linux
5. Appetize.io
Appetize.io is an alternative to App.io, but many believe that Appetize.io is better than the App.io. It is possible to develop Android and iOS applications on cloud storage with the help of this emulator.
If you download and install Appetize.io then for the first 100 minutes, you can use it free of cost, and if you exceed that, then you will be charged $0.05 per minute. If you just want to test some apps, then it’s free version can do your job.
How to Use Appetize Emulator?
- First of all visit appetize.io official website.
- Now you have to upload the ios or Android application file.
- After that put your genuine email address for the app link.
- Once you have submitted the email, you will get a link in the mail. Just click on it to run the app.
6. AIR iPhone
Air iPhone creates a virtual iPhone on your PC which enables you to see the actual screen. The AIR iPhone also supports Adobe AIR framework which is very helpful to the user. You can download the Adobe air framework from their official website.
Air iPhone recreate the iPhone user interface on a computer. You have to download Air framework for running it successfully. You can use below button for downloading and installing this PC iPhone emulator.
Compatibility– Windows
7. iPad Simulator
iPad Simulator is an extension of Google Chrome browser. It acts both like a cloud OS as well as a simulator.
You can get Apple features with iPad simulator like Siri without having to pay anything.
It is a virtual clone of iPad which we can use as an iOS emulator for Windows Computer. If you want a cloud ios emulator for Windows PC, then iPad simulator is the best choice for you. It allows you to Drag and Drop ios applications from PC to iPad simulator.
Ratings– 4.5/5

Compatibility– Windows, Chrome
Currently removed from Chrome Webstore.
8. iPhone Simulator
iPhone Simulator is most useful if you are looking for an emulator which will help you to play your iPhone games on your Windows PCs. The most significant positive of this emulator is that it has excellent graphics quality.
Ios Simulator For Pc
Moreover, if you want to use this, then the right news is that this comes free of cost. You can create a virtual clone UI of iPhone on Windows using iPhone Simulator. Just download it and enjoy the features on your computer.
Compatibility– Windows
9. Nintendo 3DS Emulator
It is a console which is widely regarded as the greatest ever, and this has received great reviews from the iOS users too. If you are more concerned about gaming, then Nintendo 3DS emulator is for you. You can play some good using this ios emulator for PC.
Nintendo lets you enjoy 3D games on your Windows PC. It creates a virtual console on your PC. The gaming with this emulator is quite smooth. You can play the games without any lagging issues. I recommend this iPhone emulator for PC.
Ratings– 5/5
Compatibility– Windows, iOS, Android, Mac
10. Xamarin Testflight
Xamarin Testflight is well known for providing advanced support and a very user-friendly UI. This emulator runs smoothly and is very easy to download and install. You can only test the apps based on iOS 8.0 or above. If you want to test lower version apps, then you can try other emulators from the list.
Apple Corporation has currently owned this emulator. Being an Apple product, Xamarin can perform a lot of tasks related to iOS. Xamarin TestFlight is one of the popular ios emulator for PC. It is easy to set up and simple to operate. You can easily test your hands on the Xamarin TestFlight. Below is the download link for it.
Compatibility– Windows, Mac
11. Electric Mobile Studio
Electric Mobile Studio is a paid emulator to run iOS apps on Windows products. It is considered to be quite expensive, but many believe that the product offered is of high quality too.
Electric Mobile Studio can help us to develop ios apps using different coding languages. It is a bit heavy and consumes more ram if compared to . It costs around $39.99 per month, which is high for an emulator. You can also get 7 days free trial to test it out.
Compatibility– Windows
12. Ripple
Another iOS emulator that has steadily grown in stature over some time now is the ripple iOS emulator. It is often used for testing of applications and also for the development of new applications by the developers. Ripple is a Google Chrome browser-based extension, which you can use as an iOS emulator.
Ripple is another cloud-based iPhone emulator which supports almost all iOS apps. It can run iOS 1 to iOS 11 apps on any computer. It is a good alternative to iPad emulator. It is quite popular among the tech geeks and iOS app developers. You can also try it out.
Ratings– 4.5/5
13. iMAME
iMAME is a good emulator for gaming. With iMAME, it is possible for you to download and install all the apps and games that are available on iPhone and iPad. It can emulate various types of iOS games. You can play iOS 9/iOS 10 games using iMAME. Just download it, and you are all set to enjoy its features.
iMAME isn’t the best iOS Emulator in the industry. However, you can give it a try. Download it from below button. If the link is broken or not working then leave a comment below, I will update it with a new link.
Ratings– 2.5/5
14. Xamarin
Xamarin is one of the latest products in the market that you can use to emulate iOS on your PC. It is used primarily by developers to test the cross-platform compatibility of ios apps with Windows platform. Xamarin is developed by the technology giant Apple Inc.
Being an Apple product it has the quality features. You can use it to run apps like iMessage on Windows PC. By Using visual studio, IDE developers can debug iOS apps on Windows PCs effortlessly. It’s an excellent emulator for the app development purpose.
Compatibility– Windows, Linux, Mac
15. iDos Emulator
The second last name in the list is the iDos Emulator which works seamlessly to give you iOS experience on your PC. You can use this iOS emulator for PC at no cost. Its interface is quite straightforward and easy to use for beginners.
Currently, the iDos emulator is not getting updates on features or bug reports. Even though it has the functionality, but it is not recommended to use this software. However, if you want to give it a try, then you can download it.
Compatibility– Windows
Ratings– 2/5
16. Remoted iOS Simulator
Remoted ios simulator is another product from the Xamarin. You can test most of the ios apps on PC using this ios emulator for PC. If above emulators failed to impress you, then you should check this one. You can also debug it with the help of Windows Visual Studio Enterprise.
It has simple and easy to use interface. You can easily go through the navigation.
Compatibility– Windows
Best iOS Emulators for Mac
Below I have shared some Emulators for Mac PC. These are same as above windows ones, but you can also run these four on your Mac PC. So go through these four emulators if you are on Apple’s Macbook.
17. App.io
Well, this iPhone emulator is also available for Mac OS along with Windows. You can download it from above link. It supports almost all Mac OS versions. It is a web-based emulator for Mac. App.io is currently counted as one of the best iOS emulators for Windows 7/8/8.1/10 and Mac PC.
App.io is the top alternative to appetize.io. So if you are facing issues with appetize then consider using this emulator out. It’s not a software-based but online web-based emulator. If it’s also not giving you the results check out below application.
The well-known emulator also supports the Mac OS. It has some great features which make it a good apple emulator for computer or laptop. It also provides the support to any Mac OS version. You can emulate iPhone on Mac PC with it. As an app developer, you can test iOS apps on Mac OS with Xamarin Testflight.
19. Appetize.io
You can use appetize.io for free on your Mac PC. As you have seen earlier, it’s also available for Windows. Now enjoy iOS apps on MacBook. The model of MacBook doesn’t matter. I have provided a tutorial on appetize in Window section above. Follow the same guide for Mac OS, and you are ready to rock.
If you want an online emulator without downloading then this is for you. Just visit the official website of appetize and proceed further. You can try it if other emulators aren’t working on your PC.
It’s Apple’s product. Being the Apple’s product you can expect the quality and premium features from it. It has useful features for running and testing iOS apps on Windows and Mac. Xamarin can provide most of the good features which you expect from an emulator.
Well, it’s good to go tool to run iOS apps on your Mac laptop or PC. You just need to download it and you are all set to go.
Final Words:
Well, it was a requested article by one of our reader. These are the best iOS emulators for Windows 10, 8, 7. Hope, you have selected the one which fulfills your needs. If I miss any, let me know. These emulators may not run all of the ios applications on Windows.
Loved reading? Share it with your friends.
Still, have any queries or suggestions? Let me know in the comments below. I will reply as quick as possible.
Do you want to use any iOS app but don’t have an iPhone? Don’t worry, as today I will be sharing how you can iOS apps in your PC/Computer using iPhone Emulators. I was getting many queries regarding best iOS Emulator For Windows using which one can run iOS apps in Windows. So, If you are looking for the same, Keep reading the article as I will list all iOS based Emulators which is available for Windows platform.
What is iOS Emulator?
An iOS emulator is a software that enables one computer system, known as the host to behave like another Operating System, called the guest by enabling the host system to run the software or use devices that are originally developed to be used by that particular OS. Putting things in perspective for this specific discussion, an iOS emulator will enable a windows based computer to emulate or imitate an iOS based device through certain specific programs that have been specially created for this purpose. Through the use of these emulators the app developers can test their programs before coming out with commercial versions of the same as well it allows the users of windows to use these towards using the iOS games or apps or to create iOS apps on their PCs.
iOS Emulator VS iOS Simulator
Although these two words ‘Emulator’ and ‘Simulator’ is understood to be meaning the same, in actuality, these are quite different from each other. To put it simply, emulators actually mimic the software and hardware environments found on the corresponding host devices, whereas the simulators only mimic the software environment. Towards that end, Simulation is generally used for analysis and study whereas Emulation is used for using a particular device as a substitute or to get the exact experience as that of the device that is being emulated. Therefore, it will be quite correct to say that an Emulator is a combination of hardware and software, thereby providing more realistic behaviour whereas the Simulator is only software based. One analogy, to understand the subtle difference between the two could be to imagine that you are trying to tell your friend that it will be fun to jump in an ice cold pool. To simulate it, you pretend to jump into the pool yourself and enjoy the cold water by enacting how it would feel. To emulate the same, you actually jump into the pool.
Advantages Of iOS Emulator
There are various advantages of using iOS emulators and that is a proof of the fact that there are multiple emulators now available with their numbers ever increasing. Some of the distinct advantages of using iOS simulators are the following:
- These emulators can be used during the development process for testing the various apps.
- The emulators can be easily run on multiple devices.
- Emulators obviously facilitate the users to experience an OS that they could not otherwise afford due to its high costs.
- Emulators can help the undecided customers to first have a look and feel and the actual experience of using a particular iOS device before deciding whether they would like to buy it or not.
I think you have already got enough idea about emulators & simulators. – What they are and how it will serve your purpose. So, Let’s discuss about best iOS/iPad Emulator for Windows without any delay now.
There are dozens of emulators for iOS available for Windows PC and it’s really very difficult for most of us to find best one for our personal use. But don’t worry as our team had researched about iOS Emulators & simulators in-depth before writing this article, so that you can easily select best iPhone emulator for Windows PC from the below list.
Best iOS Emulator for Windows 7/8/8.1/10:
Although with the rapid development of technology and the interconnectivity of operating systems, there are various programs that have been developed to work as iOS emulators; the following are some of the better-known ones that have been received quite well by its users.
MobiOne Studio
MobiOne is considered among the most versatile and easy to use software that allows the users to emulate various iOS apps with ease as well as developing iOS applications. This program has been downloaded by more than half a million designers and developers since its launch in 2009 and has multiple unique capabilities such as customised user interface templates that use the drag and drop function for both portrait and landscape orientations that can also be modified. Through the App Sync technology, MobiOne also supports large sized apps for review and testing. Through the use of common text messaging, users can also transfer their apps directly to any mobile device.
Update –This iPhone Emulator is officially discontinued now but you can still install it in your computer by downloading EXE file of it from third party sites.
Smart face is among the most popular iOS emulators that offer basic functions for Windows OS and allows the users to develop unlimited apps absolutely free of cost. It is extremely easy to use this program too. All that one needs to do is to install the app on the host device through the app store and then connect it to the windows system. It is important that the Windows device should have the iTunes installed so that the two systems can work in sync. Once the iOS is emulated onto the Windows device, the developers can then develop native applications through Smart Face. There is also the function to debug your apps with useful debugging features such as real time code changes and breakpoints etc. As an app developing software the program is quite adept at providing the capability to the users to test the applications in various iOS environments. Although we are discussing only the iOS in this article, it is worthwhile to know that Smart face can also be used with the Android platform with equal efficiency.
Air iPhone Emulator
Air iPhone Emulator is widely regarded to be among the top programs to create extremely realistic emulation effects. This program functions with the support of the Adobe Air framework that recreates the Graphical User Interface or GUI of the selected iOS on the Windows platform computers. This program is of great importance to the developers who can upload their newly developed applications to the Air iPhone emulator before releasing it to see how it looks and feels like. Although there are various features available on this emulator, some core applications such as the Safari Web browser are not available and that constraints its use. Air iPhone emulator was originally designed to allow users to make and receive free calls through Ribbit, a telecommunications service that was used mostly by developers to connect with telephone networks. Ribbit was acquired by BT in 2008 and the communication features are no more functional.
iPhone Simulator
The iPhone simulator works on the flash and is considered among the foremost apps when it comes to the ease of use and the brilliance of the interface. Although this app does not give access to some crucial iPhone apps such as the App Store or the Safari browser, it is still quite handy when it comes to having an access to the other more popular applications such as notepad, clock, calculator etc. Whereas it seems that this simulator is using the iOS, it is basically a flash application and has its natural limitations. Although this program might not be very useful for the app developers for advanced features such as debugging etc., it is still quite handy for those that want to experience the iOS environment before deciding to invest in an iOS device.
As the name suggests, iPadian is a software program for Pcs that are running Windows XP or higher to easily launch an alternative desktop that looks like an iPad screen. In the true sense, therefore, iPadian is not really a true emulator, but rather a simulator. iPadian is actually a desktop application that is based on the Adobe Air platform and cannot run without that being first installed on the computer. Since it is not possible to access many of the native iOS apps on the iPadian, it comes with its own app store which is a set of apps that can run on windows and give the user a feeling of using the iOS apps. iPadian also has some major interface challenges since it tries and emulates the iPad which has a touch interface and when it is rendered on PC, it doesn’t quite give the same experience to the users since the touch screen swipe function cannot be perfectly emulated.
Some features of iPadian for PC:
- Free version of iPadian can give you basic iOS feel for free.
- Access to customised store App Store in free version.
- In premium version, you can use any app freely with Apple App Store.
- Premium version is totally ad free.
- Moreover, it’s cheap also. (Premium version is available for 10$ only).
How to Install iPadian in Your Windows Computer:
- First of all, Download iPadian from above link.
- Double, Click on installation file which you have downloaded in above step.
- Follow, on screen options and Click on Next accordingly.
- Once, you have successfully installed iPadian in your PC, you can follow further steps to run iOS apps in your Windows Computer.
How to run iOS Apps in Windows 7/8/8.1 PC by iPadian:
Once, you have successfully installed iPadian in your Windows Computer. You will see iPadian icon on dekstop.
- Simply, do a double click on iPadian icon.
- Now from their interface, simply click on store.
- Download your favourite apps from there and enjoy iOS emulator on PC.
Xamarin Testflight
Xamarin Testflight is one of the best iOS based emulators for windows. In terms of developer support, I have to say that Xamarin Testflight is to give a try once. Though, its paid emulator for Windows, but believe me it’s worth it.
In this post, I will not cover how to setup this emulator as developer of Xamarin Testflight has written detailed tutorial on the same on their official blog.
Appetize.Io is one of the best iOS Emulators for Windows. Note that it is cloud based emulator and you can not download it in your PC/Computer. Earlier, there was an iPhone emulator known as App.io but it is not available any more. So, if you are looking for App.io alternative, then Appetize.io is a must-try.
It is available for free for first 100 minutes per month. After that you will be charged $0.05 per minute which is very reasonable too. Note that you will not be able to install any app in the emulator as it’s demo based but you can test .ipa files in it.
To use it, just upload .ipa file in the upload form and enter your email address. You will get a link in your mail inbox. Just click on it to test your .ipa file in the Appetize.io online Emulator.
Final Words
We can easily derive from the above article that whereas it is not possible for many people to afford the iPhones or other Apple devices due to their high cost and availability in certain geographies, it should not inhibit people from being able to access the look and feel and the experience of using a high-end Apple device. Through the use of these emulators, one can easily access a virtual Apple device on their Windows desktops in a matter of minutes and free of cost and can easily use iOS apps on their Windows PC. It is also a great tool for the app developers to develop and test their apps in the real OS environment and fine tune them before launching.
Emulator is the software that helps us to run multiple OS on a single hardware. It typically helps one OS to behave as another for as much amount of time as we want and then switch back to our original OS. This in turn helps people to run different apllications exclusively for various OS on a single platform. Like if you have an Windows PC emulator, or the iOS one, you can run Windows or iOS appliactions on your Mac computer, especially good for app developers.
Mac PC is now common around the world, and it’s not surprising that some people would want to play game with it. But there are some games that only built for Windows, Nintendo or other devices, and hence you may need the game emulator for these games to run on Mac OS. So, here in this article, we will show you some of the best Game Console Emulators for macOS.
Tips: If you ever lost important notes or messages on iPhone, you can also use Gihosoft iPhone Data Recovery for Mac to get them back easily even without backup.
Also read: 6 Best iOS Emulator For Windows To Build & Run iOS Apps
Top 15 Gaming Emulators for Mac Computers
1. Virtual PC for Mac
This emulator by Microsoft aims to emulate Windows OS on your Mac giveing you the freedom to run those programs specifical for Windows OS that you can not use on your Mac OS.
This game emulator will successfully take out your worry about the fact that you cannot run your Windows games on Mac. This Windows emulator will work as Windows 7 version, which may be a bit outdated but still it can do your job perfectly.
Download: Virtual PC for Mac
2. XBOX 360 Emulator for Mac
As the name suggests this is an XBOX oriented emulator completely made for Mac OS. For playing XBOX games, XeMu360 emulator is the most widely used emulator. This is comparatively a new software and it does support almost all XBOX games.
This is a very powerful emulator so that Mac OS users can enjoy playing XBOX games on it flawlessly.
Download: XBOX 360 Emulator for Mac
3. Playstation Emulators for Mac
PCSX-Reloaded is one of the the best emulator that can be installed on your Mac OS ideal for playing Playstation games. As an open source software, this emulator gives you the freedom to install it on all versions of Mac OS. Things become much simpler and easier after its installation process has been modified recently.
It would be better to keep all your playstation games inside one folder on Mac. Then after installing PCSX-Reloaded all you have to do is to drop the game you want to play in it. The emulator also has a built-in BIOS and the ability to edit memory cards as well.
Download: Playstation Emulators for Mac
4. Nintendo 64 Emulator for Mac
Mupen64 is one of the well-known emulator for Nintendo 64 to use on Mac OS. This emulator is very stable and compatible with all types of Mac OS.
However, you will require to install the GTK+ for this Nitendo 64 emulator to work smoothly. GTK+ is a graphical toolkit that needs to be installed on the Mac to process graphics. GTK+ will remains in the background and rightly handles the graphics of the N64 ROMS on Mac.
Download: Nintendo 64 Emulator for Mac
Ios Emulator For Mac Os X
5. GameCube and Wii Games Emulator for Mac
Dolphin is one of the best game emulator for macOS to run GameCube, Wii and Triforce games. This emulator is very much compatible with multiple platforms including the macOS. It is also free to use as an open source project. The emulator works well with macOS 10.6 to 10.8 and is very user friendly as well.
The only thing the user needs to do is to specifiy the BIOS file which comes always with the ROM. When you start playing the game, Dolphin emulator automatically senses the game file and starts playing it on Mac.
Download: GameCube and Wii Games Emulator for Mac
6. OpenEmu
OpenEmu emulator is one of the most reliable emulators in the market, compatible with Mac OS 10.7 and higher. Being very user friendly, it also has an iTunes type menu. This is the ultimate gaming emulator that detects the game Roms according to their requirement.
OpenEmu – How To Run Emulators on a Mac N64 PSP SNES NES And More!
OpenEmu supports a great number of consoles like:
- Game Boy
- NeoGeo Pocket
- Game Gear
- Sega Genesis and lot more
Download: OpenEmu
7. RetroArch
RetroArch seems to be an all-in-one emulator for macOS that helps the users to play any kind of retro games. The emulator even can be used to play PlayStation 1 games and older ones as well. In the handheld game console RetroArch even supports Game Boy Advance games. It is totally based on the number of cores with each of the core emulating a console.
Download: RetroArch
The name PPSSPP stands for Playstation Portable Simulator Suitable for Playing Portably, which is an emulator for playing PSP games. The emulator was originally created by Dolphin developers and is widely used across the globe. PPSSPP is very easy to install and to use on Mac, and also it supports a wide number of PSP games.
Download: PPSSPP
9. ScummVM
This emulator is speifically designed for those people who like to play point-and-click games. SucmmVM is supported by macOS and uses the Scumm scripting language shown as its name. The emulator also supports many of the adventure games like the Monkey Island 1-3, Sam & Max and much more.
Download: ScummVM
10. DeSmuME
DeSmuMe is another emulator for macOS that helps users to play with the dual screens of Nintendo, i.e. by simulating dual screens on the monitor itself. The emulator also supports games that we want play on the devices sideways.
The best part of this emulator is that its constantly being modified by developers and new features are getting added to it on a regular basis. And now over the years this has become one of the best game emulators for Mac in the market.
Download: DeSmuME
11. DosBox
As the name suggests this emulator is purposefuly made for DOS based programs. Many DOS based games are still played by users; so to make those games available even on macOS this emulator has been created.
Download: DosBox
12. Xamarian Android Player for Mac
This is an Android emulator that can be run on macOS so that you can play the millions of Android games onto your Mac. Xamarain Android player also supports OpenGL and actually virtualizes the device instead of simply emulating it.
This also helps to enhance the performance of your Mac. The emulator has a great integration with both the Visual Studio and the Xamarin Studio, and this one has a native user interface.
Download: Xamarian Android Player for Mac
13. PS3 Emulator for Mac
PS3 emulator typically supports macOS and allows users to play PlayStation 3 games on Mac. It is completely free and only need you to have any PS3 supported game. This gives complete freedom for users to choose whatever PS3 game they want to play on their Mac.
Download: PS3 Emulator for Mac
14. iOS Emulator iPadian for Mac
As its name suggests, this is an emulator that helps you run iOS applications on your Mac. By downloading this simulator, users can use iPad applications on a Mac as well. The best iOS emulator currently available is the iPadian.
This emulator is based on Adobe AIR and readily creates an interface similar to iPad on your Mac. iPadian is a very good emulator if you are just looking to run iOS appliactios and games on your Mac flawlessly.
Download: iOS Emulator iPadian for Mac
15. Visual Boy Advance
The Visual Boy Advance, also known to be the Mac Boy advance, can play almost all games of the Nintendo consoles on Mac. This GBA is written and developed specifically for the OS X and is compatibile with almost all kinds of macOS.
Download: Visual Boy Advance
So, here are our top 15 picks of game consloe emulators that you can readily download onto your Mac and seamlessly enjoy Android, DOS, Windows, iOS and much more experiences. By this way, you do not have to buy other kinds of OS, but just an emulator that will help you to run other applications on the single macOS.
Each of these emulators for Mac has its own advantage, and gaming on them is another treat to be honest. With such wide variety of support for games, you can download each of them and find out your favorite one and play all along. If you have any other good suggestion or question, welcome to comment down.